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2023 Vol.32, Issue 3 Preview Page

Original Articles

31 July 2023. pp. 242-248
Chang S.W., E.J. Bae, K.D. Kim, and J.H Lee 2020, Investigation on turfgrass growth environment in natural turfgrass playgrounds of 22 elementary, middle, and high schools in south Korea. Weed Turfgrass Sci 9:159-168. (in Korean) doi:10.5660/WTS.2020.9.2.159 10.5660/WTS.2020.9.2.159
Cho Y.R., Y.S. Cho, and J.S. Choi 2019, Effect of foliar spray volumes and concentrations of trinexapac-ethyl on Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) growth. Weed Turfgrass Sci 8:279-287. (in Korean) doi:10.5660/WTS.2019.8.3.279 10.5660/WTS.2019.8.3.279
Han S.W., H.S. Soh, B.R. Choi, S.Y. Won, S.D. Lee, and C.S. Kang 2017, Effect of cool-season grass overseeding on turf quality, green period and turf density in zoysiagrass lawn. Weed Turfgrass Sci 6:333-344. (in Korean) doi:10.5660/WTS.2017.6.4.333 10.5660/WTS.2017.6.4.333
Hong B.S, H.S. Tae, J.C Jeon, Y.S Cho, and S.H Oh 2009, Green management of using with trinexapac-ethyl. Korean Turfgrass Sci 23:287-294. (in Korean)
Kim K.N. 2010, Comparison of germination characteristics and daily seed germinating pattern in 8 new cultivars of perennial ryegrass grown under alternative and natural room temperature conditions. Korean Turfgrass Sci 24:79-87. (in Korean)
Kim K.N. 2017, Comparison of turfgrass density, uniformity and tiller characteristics in mixtures of overseeded warm-season and cool-season grasses. Weed Turfgrass Sci 6:67-76. (in Korean) doi:10.5660/WTS.2017.6.1.67 10.5660/WTS.2017.6.1.67
Kim K.N., and B.J. Kim 2010, Comparison of thatch accumulation in warm-season and cool-season turfgrasses under USGA and mono-layer soil systems. J Korean Inst Lands Archit 38:129-136. (in Korean)
Kim K.N., and S.Y. Nam 2005, Seasonal differences in turf quality of Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and mixtures grown under a pure sand of USGA system. Korean Turfgrass Sci 19:151-160. (in Korean)
Kim K.N., and Y.S. Kim 1995, Vertical shoot growth of Korean lawngrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) influenced by trinexapacethyl, amidochlor, and mefluidide. Korean J Hortic Sci Technol 17:572-577.
Kim W.S., Y.S. Kim, and C.H. Lim 2021a, Growth regulation and nitrogen uptake inhibition of Zoysia matrella applying prohexadione calcium. Korean J Environ Agric 40:359-365. (in Korean) doi:10.5338/KJEA.2021.40.4.41 10.5338/KJEA.2021.40.4.41
Kim Y.S., and E.H. Park 2020, Inhibition influences of prohexadione calcium on growth of creeping bentgrass. Weed Turfgrass Sci 9:415-424. (in Korean) doi:10.5660/WTS.2020.9.4.415
Kim Y.S., H.J. Heo, E.J. Bae, J.H. Youn, and G.J. Lee 2019, Inhibition responses of creeping bentgrass after applying trinexapac-ethyl as two spraying methods. Weed Turfgrass Sci 8:319-328. (in Korean) doi:10.5660/WTS.2019.8.4.319 10.5660/WTS.2019.8.4.319
Kim Y.S., J.H. Youn, and G.J. Lee 2021b, Growth inhibition responses of Kentucky bluegrass after applying trinexapac-ethyl solution diluted to two concentration. Weed Turfgrass Sci 10:79-86. (in Korean) doi:10.5660/WTS.2021.10.1.079 0.5660/WTS.2021.10.1.079
Lee H.S., G.M. Yang, and J.S. Choi 2010, Daily shoot growth measurement of zoysia grass (Zoysia japonica) to determine mowing interval. Korean Turfgrass Sci 24:16-23. (in Korean)
Lee S.Y., J.P. Lee, and D.H. Kim 2008, The influence of traffic time and fertilizer type on the quality of golf course putting greens. Korean Turfgrass Sci 22:65-74. (in Korean)
Lim S.M., B.S. Choi, S.H. Woo, and C.W. Lee 2011, Growth of zoysia grass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) as affected by prohexadione-calcium application. Korean J Weed Sci 31:199-204. (in Korean) 10.5660/KJWS.2011.31.2.199
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Tae H.S., B.S. Hong, Y.S. Cho, and S.H. Oh 2010, Trinexapac-ethyl treatment for Kentucky bluegrass of golf course during summer. Korean Turfgrass Sci 24:156-160. (in Korean)
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Won E.J., and B.R. Jeong 2007, Effect of plant growth retardants on the growth characteristics of potted Spathiphyllum in an ebb and flow system. Korean J Hortic Sci Technol 25:443-450. (in Korean)
  • Publisher :The Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control
  • Publisher(Ko) :(사)한국생물환경조절학회
  • Journal Title :Journal of Bio-Environment Control
  • Journal Title(Ko) :생물환경조절학회지
  • Volume : 32
  • No :3
  • Pages :242-248
  • Received Date : 2023-07-04
  • Revised Date : 2023-07-24
  • Accepted Date : 2023-07-25