Current Issue
2024 Vol.33, Issue 4
Effect of Daily Light Integral on the Growth, Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Cucumber Plants in Pot Soil Culture
토양 화분재배에서 오이의 생육, 광합성, 엽록소 형광에 미치는 일적산광량의 영향
Minkyung Kim, Md Rayhan Ahmed Shawon, Md Golam Rabbani, Ki Young Choi
김민경, 샤원, 라바니엠디 골람, 최기영
Effect of Daily Light Integral on the Growth, Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Cucumber Plants in Pot Soil Culture
Assessment of Drought Response in Kimchi Cabbage, Radish, and Lettuce Seedlings Using RGB Image Analysis
RGB 이미지 분석 방법을 이용한 배추, 무, 상추 유묘의 내건성 평가
Junho Lee, Jinhee Kim, Sangdeok Lee, Gyu Hyeon Park, Yoonah Jang
이준호, 김진희, 이상덕, 박규현, 장윤아
Assessment of Drought Response in Kimchi Cabbage, Radish, and Lettuce Seedlings Using RGB Image Analysis
Cut Flower Yields and Qualities of Rosa hybrid L. Affected by Supplementary LED Lighting at Night under High Temperature and Low Light Intensity Conditions
고온 및 저광도 시기의 LEDs 야간 보광이 절화 장미의 수량 및 품질에 미치는 영향
Se Jin Kim, Won Hee Kim, Hyun Hwan Jung, Sung Wook Yun, Sang Im Oh
김세진, 김원희, 정현환, 윤성욱, 오상임
Cut Flower Yields and Qualities of Rosa hybrid L. Affected by Supplementary LED Lighting at Night under High Temperature and Low Light Intensity Conditions
Comparison of Growth Responses of Southern Highbush Blueberry ‘Scintilla’ to Different Growing Types, ‘Evergreen’ and ‘Deciduous’
상록형과 낙엽형 재배에 따른 남부하이부쉬 블루베리 ‘신틸라’ 생장비교
Mi Geon Cheon, Sang Woo Choi, Seong-Tae Choi, Hye Suk Yoon, Jin Gook Kim
천미건, 최상우, 최성태, 윤혜숙, 김진국
Comparison of Growth Responses of Southern Highbush Blueberry ‘Scintilla’ to Different Growing Types, ‘Evergreen’ and ‘Deciduous’
Effect of Solid Matrix Priming (SMP) on Germination and Seedling Vigor in Watermelon Seed
수박 종자의 Solid Matrix Priming(SMP) 처리가 발아 및 유묘활력에 미치는 영향
Eun-Ji Park, Yeon-Ju Choi, Eun-Young Bae, Faraaz Ahmed Mohammad, Sang-Rim Kim, Byeong-Il Je, Jum-Soon Kang
박은지, 최연주, 배은영, 모함마드파라즈 아흐메드, 김상림, 제병일, 강점순
Effect of Solid Matrix Priming (SMP) on Germination and Seedling Vigor in Watermelon Seed
Effect of Soil Organic Matter Content and Ammonium Perrhenate(186Re) on the Growth of Chinese Cabbage and Radish
토양의 유기물 농도와 Ammonium Perrhenate(Re)가 배추 및 무의 생육에 미치는 영향
Yeon Ju Choi, Eun Young Bae, Sang Rim Kim, Faraaz Ahmed Mohammad, Jum-Soon Kang
최연주, 배은영, 김상림, 모함마드파라즈 아흐메드, 강점순
Effect of Soil Organic Matter Content and Ammonium Perrhenate(186Re) on the Growth of Chinese Cabbage and Radish
Comparison of Root Development, Photosynthetic Characteristics, Growth, and Yield of Seedling and Grafted Tomatoes in the Long-Term Cultivation of Venlo Greenhouse
벤로 온실 내 장기 재배 시 실생과 접목 토마토의 뿌리 발달, 광합성 특성, 생육과 수확량 비교
Jeongwon Yoon, Hyunmun Kim, Heewoong Goo, Dohyeon Kim, Sonugjun Youn, Kyoung Sub Park
윤정원, 김현문, 구희웅, 김도현, 윤성준, 박경섭
Comparison of Root Development, Photosynthetic Characteristics, Growth, and Yield of Seedling and Grafted Tomatoes in the Long-Term Cultivation of Venlo Greenhouse
Development of an Irrigation and Drainage Monitoring and Management Software for Maintaining the Drainage Ratio in Hydroponics
수경재배 배액율 유지를 위한 급액전략 수립 시 급배액 모니터링 및 급액량 관리 프로그램 개발
Mi Young Lim, Dongpil Kim, Ji Woong Bang, Mi Young Roh, Gyeong Lee Choi, Jung Su Jung
임미영, 김동필, 방지웅, 노미영, 최경이, 정정수
Development of an Irrigation and Drainage Monitoring and Management Software for Maintaining the Drainage Ratio in Hydroponics
Comparison of Imaging and Actual Measurement of Plant Height and Leaf Area of Cucumber Grafted Seedlings using LiDAR and Multispectral Camera
LiDAR와 다중분광카메라를 이용한 오이 접목묘의 초장 및 엽면적의 영상값과 실측값의 비교
Hyo Jung Jang, Ju Young Hong, Seung Wook Choi, Han Na Lee, Jun Gu Lee, Yurina Kwack, Seung Wook Song, Hye Jin Lee, Yang Gyu Ku
장효정, 홍주영, 최승욱, 이한나, 이준구, 곽유리나, 송승욱, 이혜진, 구양규
Comparison of Imaging and Actual Measurement of Plant Height and Leaf Area of Cucumber Grafted Seedlings using LiDAR and Multispectral Camera
Influence of Light, Temperature, and Irrigation on Grafted Cucumber Seedlings in Biodegradable Paper Pots
생분해성 종이포트 육묘시 광량, 온도 및 관수가 오이 접목묘의 생육에 미치는 영향
Seung Hwan Wi, Kyung Hwan Yeo, Tae Cheol Seo, Hee Ju Lee, Hyejin Lee, Sewoong An, Yoonah Jang
위승환, 여경환, 서태철, 이희주, 이혜진, 안세웅, 장윤아
Influence of Light, Temperature, and Irrigation on Grafted Cucumber Seedlings in Biodegradable Paper Pots
A Comparison and Modeling of the Growth of Tomatoes in Greenhouse using the Color Change
색상 변화를 이용한 토마토 과실의 생장 과정 비교 및 모델링
Jayeong Paek, Byeong-Hyo Cho, Seongmin Lee, Youngki Hong, Kyoung-Chul Kim
백자영, 조병효, 이성민, 홍영기, 김경철
A Comparison and Modeling of the Growth of Tomatoes in Greenhouse using the Color Change
Effect of different Leaf to Fruit Ratios on Tree Growth and Fruit Characteristics of ‘Irwin’ Mango in heating house
가온시설재배 시 엽과비 수준에 따른 ‘Irwin’ 망고 의 수체생육 및 과실특성
Mi Geon Cheon, Kyung Mi Park, Sang Woo Choi, Hye Suk Yoon
천미건, 박경미, 최상우, 윤혜숙
Effect of different Leaf to Fruit Ratios on Tree Growth and Fruit Characteristics of ‘Irwin’ Mango in heating house
Analysis of the Actual State of Late Maturing Citrus Cultivar Greenhouses
만감류 재배 온실의 실태조사 분석
Hyun Ho Shin, Jin Gu Kim, Ki Bum Kweon, Man Kwon Choi
신현호, 김진구, 권기범, 최만권
Analysis of the Actual State of Late Maturing Citrus Cultivar Greenhouses
The Assessment of Irrigation System for Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Using Remote Sensing Technique-based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Equipped with Multiple Sensors
다중 센서 탑재 무인항공기 기반 원격탐사 기술을 이용한 고추(Capsicum annuum)의 관수 시스템 평가
Gyujin Jang, Dongwook Kim, Yoonah Kwon, Sung Kwon Park, Byoung Ill Choun, Kyungho Ha, Changkeun Moon, Hak-Jin Kim
장규진, 김동욱, 권윤아, 박성권, 천병일, 하경호, 문창근, 김학진
The Assessment of Irrigation System for Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Using Remote Sensing Technique-based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Equipped with Multiple Sensors
Method of Construction of Greenhouse Infrastructure for Sensor Data Acquation and Actuator Control in Smart Farm
스마트팜 온실 센서데이터 수집 및 구동기 제어를 위한 온실 인프라 구축 방안
Hyeon Woo Jeong, Min Hee Han, Jin Hyun Kim, Min Ju Shin, Jae Han Lee, Ji Woong Bang
정현우, 한민희, 김진현, 신민주, 이재한, 방지웅
Method of Construction of Greenhouse Infrastructure for Sensor Data Acquation and Actuator Control in Smart Farm
Model for Non-destructive Quality Prediction of ‘Mihong’ Peach using Hyperspectral Imaging
초분광 영상을 활용한 복숭아 ‘미홍’ 과실의 비파괴 품질 예측 모델
Han Ryul Seo, Seung Hwan Oh, Ji Woo Lee, Jae Won Ryu, Hae Chan Jeon, Seul Ki Lee, Jin Gook Kim, Seung Wook Song
서한률, 오승환, 이지우, 류재원, 전해찬, 이슬기, 김진국, 송승욱
Model for Non-destructive Quality Prediction of ‘Mihong’ Peach using Hyperspectral Imaging
Melon Fruit Detection and Quality Assessment Using Generative AI-Based Image Data Augmentation
생성형 AI 기반 이미지 데이터 증강을 활용한 멜론 과실 탐지 및 품질 평가
Seungri Yoon, Yunseong Cho, Minju Shin, Mi Young Lin, Dahae Kim, Tae In Ahn
윤승리, 조윤성, 신민주, 임미영, 김다해, 안태인
Melon Fruit Detection and Quality Assessment Using Generative AI-Based Image Data Augmentation
Identification of Major Pesticide Drift Factors in Aerial Spraying through Field Trials
현장 실험을 통한 항공 방제 시 주요 비산 요인 규명
Se-Yeon Lee, Jinseon Park, Chae-Rin Lee, Kehinde Favour Daniel, Ji-Yeon Park, Youngho Kang, Hyunkyu Sang, Se-Woon Hong
이세연, 박진선, 이채린, DanielKehinde Favour, 박지연, 강영호, 상현규, 홍세운
Identification of Major Pesticide Drift Factors in Aerial Spraying through Field Trials
Performance Evaluation of a Reference Evapotranspiration Model in Reclaimed Land Environments and Comparison with Inland Areas
간척지 지역의 기준 작물 증발산 모델 성능 평가 및 내륙지역과의 증발산 비교
Junwoo Moon, Haksung Lee, Joonwoo Lee
문준우, 이학성, 이준우
Performance Evaluation of a Reference Evapotranspiration Model in Reclaimed Land Environments and Comparison with Inland Areas
Growth of Grafted Cucumber Seedlings as Affected by Different EC Levels and Cultivars
EC 수준에 따른 품종별 오이 접목묘의 생육
Hyeong Eun Choi, So Yeong Hwang, Ji Hye Yun, Jin Yu, Jeong Hun Hwang, Eun Won Park, Jeong Kil Koo, Seung Jae Hwang
최형은, 황소영, 윤지혜, 유진, 황정훈, 박은원, 구정길, 황승재
Growth of Grafted Cucumber Seedlings as Affected by Different EC Levels and Cultivars
Growth and Yield of Eggplant ‘TNA-114’ as Affected by Planting Density and Coir Substrate Volume in Hydroponics
수경재배 가지 ‘TNA-114’의 재식밀도와 코이어 배지 용량에 따른 생육 및 수량
Seo-Hyeon Lee, Bo-Kyung Park, Seong-Tae Choi, Hye-Suk Yoon
이서현, 박보경, 최성태, 윤혜숙
Growth and Yield of Eggplant ‘TNA-114’ as Affected by Planting Density and Coir Substrate Volume in Hydroponics
Occurrence of Cold Damage in Several Olive Cultivars in Coastal Area of Gyeongsangnam-do and at Different Low Temperatures
경상남도 해안지역 올리브의 품종별, 저온 수준별 동해 발생
Mi Geon Cheon, Sang Woo Choi, Sang suk Oh, Seong-Tae Choi, Hye Suk Yoon
천미건, 최상우, 오상석, 최성태, 윤혜숙
Occurrence of Cold Damage in Several Olive Cultivars in Coastal Area of Gyeongsangnam-do and at Different Low Temperatures
Physical and Chemical Properties of Media and Growth Characteristics of Three Species of Trees according to the Mixing Ratio of Quercus Bark
참나무 부산물 혼합비율에 따른 배지의 물리·화학성과 조경수 3종의 생육특성
Baul Ko, You Jin Choi, Hyo Jun Bae, Ji-Hee Jeong, Soon Chul Ahn, Sang Uk Lee, Na Ra Jeong, Jong Hyang Bae
고바울, 최유진, 배효준, 정지희, 안순철, 이상욱, 정나라, 배종향
Physical and Chemical Properties of Media and Growth Characteristics of Three Species of Trees according to the Mixing Ratio of Quercus Bark
Comparison of Growth Prediction Models for Pepper Seedling Production Using Monthly Dummy Variables
월별 더미변수를 활용한 고추 공정육묘 생육예측 모델 비교
Yeon Jin Cho, Seo Woo Jang, Hee Gon Kim, Youn Sup Cho
조연진, 장서우, 김희곤, 조윤섭
Comparison of Growth Prediction Models for Pepper Seedling Production Using Monthly Dummy Variables
The Impact of Pre-Harvest EC Adjustment on Growth and Secondary Metabolites of Three Brassicaceae Plants in a Plant Factory
식물공장 내 수확 전 EC 조절이 십자화과 작물 3종의 생육 및 이차대사산물에 미치는 영향
Su Min Lee, Sunwoo Kim, Jongseok Park, Gwonjeong Bok
이수민, 김선우, 박종석, 복권정
The Impact of Pre-Harvest EC Adjustment on Growth and Secondary Metabolites of Three Brassicaceae Plants in a Plant Factory
Growth Characteristics of Tomato Seedlings Irradiated by White and Far-red LED lights in Vertical Farms
수직농장에서 백색과 원적색 LED 광조사에 의한 토마토 묘의 생육특성
Gee Young Lee, Hyun Kyung Jeong, Hye Hyeong Kim, Ju Hyun Park, Seul Gi Lee, Su Yeon Lee, Young Seok Lee, Nam Won Park
이지영, 정현경, 김혜형, 박주현, 이슬기, 이수연, 이영석, 박남원
Growth Characteristics of Tomato Seedlings Irradiated by White and Far-red LED lights in Vertical Farms
Current Status and Prospects of Climate Change Response in Tea Production
차 생산에 있어서 기후변화 대응 현황과 전망
Priyanka Rajan, Ha Rim Hong, Doo-Gyung Moon, Su Jin Kim, Yun-Suk Kwon, Eun Young Song, Mockhee Lee, Yeon Jin Jang, Misun Kim, Seong Cheol Kim
프리앙카라잔, 홍하림, 문두경, 김수진, 권윤숙, 송은영, 이목희, 장연진, 김미선, 김성철
Current Status and Prospects of Climate Change Response in Tea Production
Changes in Vertical Distribution of Environmental and Transpiration Factors of Leaves during Cultivation Period of Paprika Plant in Venlo-type Greenhouse
벤로형 온실에서 파프리카 재배기간 동안 식물체 엽의 주변 환경 및 증산 요소의 수직적 분포 변화
Seung Mi Woo, Da Eun Kang, Hae Won Yang, Jae Hyuk Son, Ji Heon Seo, In Taek Park, Dong Hee Noh, Sung Woo Byun, Ho Cheol Kim
우승미, 강다은, 양혜원, 손재혁, 서지헌, 박인택, 노동희, 변성우, 김호철
Changes in Vertical Distribution of Environmental and Transpiration Factors of Leaves during Cultivation Period of Paprika Plant in Venlo-type Greenhouse
Determining Light Conditions for Improved Carrot Seed Germination in a Closed-type Plant Factory
완전제어형 식물공장에서 당근 발아를 위한 광질 조건 결정
Bohyun Sung, Young-Yeol Cho
성보현, 조영열
Determining Light Conditions for Improved Carrot Seed Germination in a Closed-type Plant Factory
Big-Data Analysis of Daily Climate Control Strategies and Crop Growth Indicators in High-Yielding Greenhouse Strawberry Farms
스마트팜 우수농가 빅데이터를 이용한 딸기 온실 일간 환경관리 전략 및 작물 생육 지표 분석
Minhee Han, Jin Hyun Kim, Jiwoong Bang, Jae Han Lee, Hyeon Woo Jeong
한민희, 김진현, 방지웅, 이재한, 정현우
Big-Data Analysis of Daily Climate Control Strategies and Crop Growth Indicators in High-Yielding Greenhouse Strawberry Farms
Calculation and Analysis of Heating-Cooling Load and Crop Energy According to Covering in Facility Agriculture
시설 농업에서의 피복에 따른 냉난방부하와 작물 에너지 교환 산정 및 분석
Taeseok Lee, Seunghun Lee, Rackwoo Kim, Jinkyung Kwon, Sungwook Yun, Seongheon Kim, Han Kim, Yunjeong Lee
이태석, 이승헌, 김락우, 권진경, 윤성욱, 김성헌, 김한, 이윤정
Calculation and Analysis of Heating-Cooling Load and Crop Energy According to Covering in Facility Agriculture
Determination of Substrate Mixing Ratios for the Hydroponic Cultivation of Watermelon
수박 수경재배를 위한 혼합배지 비율 선발
Yumin Jeon, Cheolku Youn, Eun-Jeong Kim, Kyuhoi Lee, Guemjae Chung, Ju-Hyoung Kim, Ki-Ho Son, Myung-Min Oh
전유민, 윤철구, 김은정, 이규회, 정금재, 김주형, 손기호, 오명민
Determination of Substrate Mixing Ratios for the Hydroponic Cultivation of Watermelon