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2022 Vol.31, Issue 2 Preview Page

Original Articles

30 April 2022. pp. 125-132
An J.H., S.H. Jeon, E.Y. Choi, H.M. Kang, J.K. Na, and K.Y. Choi 2021, Effect of irrigation starting point of soil on chlorophyll fluorescence, stem sap flux relative rate and leaf temperature of cucumber in greenhouse. J Bio-Env Con 30:246-55. doi:10.12791/KSBEC.2021.30.1.046 10.12791/KSBEC.2021.30.1.046
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Yoon S.A. J.M. Kim, E.Y. Choi, K.Y. Choi, K.L. Choi, K.J. Nam, S.K. Oh, J.H. Bae, and Y.B. Lee 2021, Comparison of water consumption and plant growth characteristics in different European cucumber varieties in substrate hydroponics. Hortic Sci Technol 39:243-253. doi:10.7235/HORT.20210022 10.7235/HORT.20210022
  • Publisher :The Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control
  • Publisher(Ko) :(사)한국생물환경조절학회
  • Journal Title :Journal of Bio-Environment Control
  • Journal Title(Ko) :생물환경조절학회지
  • Volume : 31
  • No :2
  • Pages :125-132
  • Received Date : 2022-04-04
  • Revised Date : 2022-04-21
  • Accepted Date : 2022-04-28